Investing in Emerging Leaders

Coaching new leaders is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work.

This group of professionals are ambitious, passionate and capable of achieving amazing things.

They are hungry for this next step in their career and determined to progress. They understand the value they can provide to their organisation but are self-aware enough to seek support to hold them accountable, push their performance, guide them through setbacks and make their success certain.

In the current market, I am finding that organisations are tightening their purse strings when it comes to new and mid-level leadership development. This means that most leaders in this space are having to personally invest in their development rather than having financial support from their organisation. This is unfortunate, for two main reasons.

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  1. Organisations are not investing in the people that will inevitably shape the future of the organisation, lead the majority of their population and failing to create a strong leadership pipeline.

  2. It also means that the level of development leaders in this space will receive is based on their level of discretionary income rather than their ambition, drive and capability.

I know there are leaders out there that will fail to receive the level of growth and development they deserve.

How can we change this way of thinking? Or is it an investment we should be looking at making personally where we can as it develops us to be better leaders throughout our career but also in every aspect of our lives?

Do you think leadership development should be a corporate investment or a personal investment?


Lessons for my children